Don't have sex if you can't support a child.
And I got beat up for saying that I'm waiting till I'm married. heh...
wrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
Don't have sex if you can't support a child.
And I got beat up for saying that I'm waiting till I'm married. heh...
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wrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
am i the only guy that gets iritated that men in posistions of power, only see this in black and white?
Oh Don't worry I'm the same way.
I have mixed feelings also. I don't vote cause my choice really doesn't make a difference in the big squeme of things, but I feel that it is the woman's choice. Even though your killing a human being. It's a touchy subject right about now.
I usually say anti-choice cause I don't want to see babies die because some horny teens couldn't use a condom right. Which gets me angrier than anything else. But I still feel it should be pro-choice because seriously, there's gonna be hundreds of babies in dumpsters with ruined lives (even though we don't KNOW that their life will be ruined.) and crushed souls. So heh good thing I'm not in a position to do anything about it.
Bush's idea about it is too religious. When you put religion in politics you get a weird set of ideals that you try to run by but end up being an extremist with later on.
okay, it seems it's high time we had another thread like this!.
for serious reading, i have exceptions to the rulers by amy goodman (goes great with fahrenheit 911!
)the curse of adam by bryan skyles (i think) (it predicts the extinction of males.
I'm catching up on the classics I forgot to read. Currently reading Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickenson Then about to try to read most of the Dune series. I scanned the Harninken house one and It seemed very nice.
thanks for the kind welcome, everyone.
you all know how to make a guy feel right at home.
thanks.. i guess i should tell you a little bit about myself.
I always feel like I'm destined to be a terrible person, or was destined to be a terrible person if I stayed a JW.
Well the only reason I can see why your friend did these things is because he's kind of, a bad guy. I know you guy shad a good relationship but that went south huh? Sorry to hear about your situation. Suck people are everywhere. Don't let him get you down too much though.
everybody needs to have a meaning to there life.
to feal there life is of value.. to illustate nobody likes to make a post and be told there ideas or thinking is stupid.
so asking somebody to question there belife system and for you personally there belife system is bull.
yep. The happiest day of my life was when the girl that I liked hugged me. I was screaming with joy like never before for a good 3 days afterwards and couldn't stop thinking about her since. Crazy huh? Those are the things I live for. No amount of praying to God has got me that much joy.
There's other things too, but that's on the top of my list in my life at the moment.
you'll be getting the aug. 1 watchtower soon.
on it's rear cover, it has the following article:.
"the branch office of jehovah's witnesses in nigeria recently received a letter that, in part.
JW's will believe this as the most heartfelt thing in the world. Just think of a little boy making his last wish to give money to orphans. I mean if you think WTS is the mouthpeice of God your gonna view this story as the most incredible thing ever.
But of course apostates are different. And please try not to hate on JW's for liking this story? It's like that little boy giving money to the orphans but just like 10 times more to them.
i'm new and this is my first post.
when i was in the truth, i remember how we were encouraged to cultivate a personal relationship with jehovah.
we were to think of him as our friend and to rely on him soley.
I had my times when I terribly cried out in prayer. Litteral tears down my face screaming to help me with all my heart and soul. I said God too, not Jehovah cause I never got a prayer answered when I used Jehovah. Man was it so heart-felt. He didn't really answer my prayers. I prayed for free brownies until I died. Just kidding. No I prayed to find the truth about EVERYTHING and the way so I can be closer to him. I think he may have half way answered my prayers. Cause I started to get on this site shortly after, but I drifted even farther away from being close with God since I found alot of crappy stuff about the bible. So I don't know. I get a greater feeling when I have a friend. Well not really a friend since I never really had a friend, but like an aquaintance. I get more happiness out of a human than God. And I guess I'm going to hell cause I didn't feel all great and dandy after I prayed. Oh well.
all glory to the hypnotoad!.
obey the hypnotoad!!!.
gotta love futurama.
this subject has been gnawing at me for awhile now.. so many of you:.
1) were raised in "the truth?".
2) did you get baptized and at what age?.
Raised since birth.
Never baptised cause I'm not THAT crazy.
Well still in pretty much, I can count the days I was actually into the religion.
5 days.....